Category Archives: Official press

List of NIOSH approved KN95 masks

Need a NIOSH-Approved KN95 Mask? Here’s a List of Our Top Picks do you need to buy a NIOSH-approved KN95 mask? the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) administers the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which ensures employees are protected from health hazards in the workplace. What is NIOSH approved  KN95 masks? Correct […]

Where you still need to wear Covid face masks

Since federal Covid masks are no longer required on airplanes and other forms of public transportation, you may be wondering: Do I still need to wear a mask in the United States? Philadelphia: Masks are currently required at Philadelphia International Airport and in many indoor spaces in the city, such as restaurants, museums, sports areas, […]

COVID-19 has caused the biggest increase in annual deaths in the United States in a century

According to Axios website on Monday, the annual death toll in the US has reached its highest level in a century due to the COVID-19 pandemic, citing new data from the US Census Bureau. The number of deaths in 2020 was 535,000 more than in 2019. New data show that the coronavirus pandemic has taken […]

What are the long-term sequelae of COVID-19?

Long-term COVID-19 symptoms (also known as “COVID-19 acute sequelae”), generally defined as those that persist for more than three months, are an important factor in generating public concern about novel Coronavirus and the outbreak. More than two million people in the UK could be affected by these long-term aftereffects, which could have serious implications for […]

How long will the long-term sequelae of COVID-19 last?

For now, the “long-term COVID-19 symptoms” that scientists are concerned about do exist, but their duration is uncertain, given that COVID-19 is only a little over two years old. Scientists believe that while it is not clear COVID – 19 for hospitalized patients with serious influence can last long, but can be seen from the […]

Pregnant women need the Covid-19 vaccines

The CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday issued its strongest guidance to date urging pregnant women to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The guidance comes as more than 250,000 novel coronavirus infections have been reported in pregnant women, including 22,000 hospitalizations, according to the CDC. A recent study showed no increased risk of miscarriage […]

Who is currently recommended for oral use of COVID-19 antiviral drugs?

Patients are divided into several categories based on age, whether they have been vaccinated against COVID-19, whether they have co-immunodeficiency, and various clinical risk factors including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease: Priority in the first category: immunosuppressed patients (whether or not vaccinated); Patients over 75 years of age who have not been vaccinated or patients […]